Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Art and Today's World

     Today’s world has managed to overcome so many obstacles and prejudices, grown to understand all sorts of people and opinions and reached a point in history where almost everything is possible.
      Unfortunately, art has always stayed in the background, and it saddens me to think that in my surroundings, it’s hardly even there. Technology has occupied every portion of our everyday lives, and creativity is nowhere to be found. Art is considered to be something that belongs to the standouts, the misunderstood, the strange. My circumstances offer no possibilities for development in this particular area, ignoring my potential and crushing my dreams.
      Today, when slaves no longer exist, discrimination has been minimized and freedom of speech is guaranteed, I see no reason why something as pure as art should be discarded as something, dare I say, freaky.
      The capability to understand art and the satisfaction that comes from it enriches our lives, gives meaning to our lives and uplifts us to an entirely new level of comprehension. As George Bernard Shaw put it “Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.”
Aleksandar Stoimenovski IV3

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